Hydrangea paniculata Little Lime. Read our Growing Guide : Ships as: ONE GAL. Little Lime hydrangea is small enough to grow in containers and also stands out as a bold mass planting. Its bright bloom coloration makes it an excellent choice . Its impressive large florets change colours as the . The greenish summer blooms turn pink as they age in . It has strong stems that support the weight of the conical, lime green flowers, which fade to . By Geeke Klijn Velderman. Il en a les qualités de floraison mais son développement compact . Stock Status: In Stock.

Delivery Status: Cheapest shipping from €0 . Beautiful lime green flowers fade to white, then change to pink in autumn. Originating in Japan, China and Taiwan, various breeding programmes . Produces rich panicles of green white flowers from July to October. Buy online London UK. It is a better fit for many . Please note this product has selling restrictions to your country. Its diminutive size makes it a better.
This panicle hydrangea is a dwarf selection of Limelight bearing equal profusion of flowers of the same colour as Limelight , it is just smaller and . SHRUBS boxwoodsandmore. Compact plant produces absolutely huge, lime-green, ball-shaped . Use the wonderfully full blooms . No content available. Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in . Saved from soonerplantfarm.
Zwerg-Rispenhortensie. Blütezeit: Juni - Oktober. A dwarf form of the popular Limelight hydrangea. Matures at about a third of the size . A young specimen of Little Lime panicle hydrangea showing its dwarf habit and . Binnen 2-werkdagen bezorgd! Bekijk het product online of kom naar één van onze winkels!
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